Felt compelled to write a quick Saturday update. All ducks alive and well so far! I must admit I approach the house with some trepidation each morning! The quacking a good sign! They are as mad and unsettled as ever! The drake is a complete wuss. He shows no leadership skills and was first in the 'huddle' for protection! Perhaps it will change as he gets older. The girls are very noisy, very mad (wings and beaks everywhere!) and very pecky! Clearly I'm not as fit as a couple of months ago as the lugging of water buckets 1/2 acre from barn to duck land seems heavier than ever. And why, when the inevitable splash and slop out of the buckets happens can the water not fall to the ground - why does it have to always find it's way into my boots?
DD and I are making progress on names. There is one with a slight bit of iridescent blue on her wing so DD thought Tinkerbell an appropriate name. The white is Jemima and the light fawn Camille. As yet the 'Mr & Mrs Trout' are unnamed.
As we approach high summer it is encouraging to see so many young bird families thriving around us. It is amazing to see young daredevil Buzzards hunt and I had the proof this morning that Buzzards do attack rabbits. I saw an amazing swoop early today. Hearing their call and watching them soar is one of the greatest spectacles this country has to offer. Let's just hope they don't develop a taste for duck!
Have also been seeing plenty of large, furry, black caterpillars with orange stripes. I am reliably informed this is the Cinnabar moth caterpillar. For anyone interested in what they look like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinnabar_moth Stunning I'm sure you'll agree and pleased to see more pink in natures local rainbow!
All sheep are well, fat and happy. Bonnie (Bon Bon) is more obedient than my dog! I was told to consider getting my double D's (read previous threads if you're unsure what I'm on about!) put to the ram for some Xmas lambing = spring meats. Considering I paid nearly £11 for 2 Barnsley chops yesterday I'm considering it seriously!
Weather: Sure is a beautiful day.... 19 degrees at 6am.
Travelling on a long journey from Choo's to Hunters with DH (who's bright idea it was to buy some land) 'The Boss' aka our daughter aged 6 (and 3/4) Currently starring 2 black labs (Horsley & Blaze), 6 Ewes, lambs galore, 5 hens, and 2 fish. Not to mention the abundance of wildlife. All on 5 acres in East Sussex...
Scouse in the South

Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, 29 July 2011
Here we go...
...new ducks acquired and home. Oddly really nervous about getting them! Main concern was not getting them to do a Campbell and scale the 6ft fence.... Thankfully it was evening so I just put them safe in their house. Came to check on them this morning to a right old commotion of quacking. When door was opened they all ran to the back of the house, huddled together and took it in turns to be the 'middle' one protected by the others! Very cute until the little so and so gave me a peck when I put my hand in! Anyway, they all dived out and ran chaotically around their pen area comically falling in their water and food, scarily running into the fence and trapping themselves between house and fence. So they've been left to 'settle.' The fun of course will come tonight trying to get them back into the house.... Oh well, they have to learn and I have to teach them, let battle commence!
There are 5 of them - all Indian Runners. A trout drake and girl, a white girl, mallard and fawn coloured girlies. Only 16 weeks old and still got a belly of lovely duckling down. Fingers crossed....
Will update more once I've got them reasonably settled!
Weather: In and out, cloud, sun, pleasantly warm 23 degrees average this week.
There are 5 of them - all Indian Runners. A trout drake and girl, a white girl, mallard and fawn coloured girlies. Only 16 weeks old and still got a belly of lovely duckling down. Fingers crossed....
Will update more once I've got them reasonably settled!
Weather: In and out, cloud, sun, pleasantly warm 23 degrees average this week.
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Getting ready...
...well the beginning of this week shows some resemblance to summer at least. I've been doing my sun dance all of last week as DD had her (outdoor) party yesterday and with last weeks monsoon type weather I was planning an emergency village hall hire as I steadfastly refuse to entertain 13+ children in my house... Harsh I know, but my initial plan was to ship them all down to the barn in the event of rain. Anyway, alls well that ends well. DD got her sunny party.
New ducks arriving this Thursday. I've just got to decide on the colours now. My reliable duck man has obtained some different colours so now I've fun decisions to be made which makes a change to write 'fun' next to 'ducks.' DH has strimmed duck land to within an inch of it's life, the house has been relocated away from the infection zone and new batteries are raring to go for the zapper fence. All I need now are my 4 girls and drake. Not that I can forget my old ducks still - the carrion saw to that last week by digging the compost heap and uprooting Abigail...not a pretty sight I can tell you. Put me right off my tiffin...!
Sheep all doing well. Very fat, very loud and Ollie now acts not only as 'top sheep' but like a sheepdog bounding along with Horsley (who's pad has now grown back thankfully) and generally baa-ing at the indignity of not being allowed through the gate to the other fields.
Everything else grows or survives here - raspberries starting to ripen and so the late summer picking of them and the wild blackberries awaits. A perfect summer scene - trug in hand, floppy hat on, dog keeping company, child having fun picking one, eating one... Well, it doesn't work life that. Firstly berry juice is nigh on impossible to remove from clothing. Also, half the time 'enjoying' picking is spent teaching said child not to pick the poisonous berries growing close. The sun rarely shines and raspberries leaves have an irritant on them so bare hand picking is out for me as the scratches hurt and an attractive rash appears. Blackberries also should come with a health warning (ooo maybe I shouldn't give the nanny state an idea) that one must take tweezers out with you if a novice berry picker - the thorns and fingernails are a dangerous combination!
More soon lovely people
Weather: ok - not Med like but much better than last week! Mind you the mushrooms are still sprouting with all the unseasonal dampness!
New ducks arriving this Thursday. I've just got to decide on the colours now. My reliable duck man has obtained some different colours so now I've fun decisions to be made which makes a change to write 'fun' next to 'ducks.' DH has strimmed duck land to within an inch of it's life, the house has been relocated away from the infection zone and new batteries are raring to go for the zapper fence. All I need now are my 4 girls and drake. Not that I can forget my old ducks still - the carrion saw to that last week by digging the compost heap and uprooting Abigail...not a pretty sight I can tell you. Put me right off my tiffin...!
Sheep all doing well. Very fat, very loud and Ollie now acts not only as 'top sheep' but like a sheepdog bounding along with Horsley (who's pad has now grown back thankfully) and generally baa-ing at the indignity of not being allowed through the gate to the other fields.
Everything else grows or survives here - raspberries starting to ripen and so the late summer picking of them and the wild blackberries awaits. A perfect summer scene - trug in hand, floppy hat on, dog keeping company, child having fun picking one, eating one... Well, it doesn't work life that. Firstly berry juice is nigh on impossible to remove from clothing. Also, half the time 'enjoying' picking is spent teaching said child not to pick the poisonous berries growing close. The sun rarely shines and raspberries leaves have an irritant on them so bare hand picking is out for me as the scratches hurt and an attractive rash appears. Blackberries also should come with a health warning (ooo maybe I shouldn't give the nanny state an idea) that one must take tweezers out with you if a novice berry picker - the thorns and fingernails are a dangerous combination!
More soon lovely people
Weather: ok - not Med like but much better than last week! Mind you the mushrooms are still sprouting with all the unseasonal dampness!
Monday, 18 July 2011
Surely, that's what has happened? Either that or I went to Spain and the UK decided not only to revert the hour back but the season also. How can it be mid July, 17 degrees, grey as October with weather to match? Honestly I despair of our weather at times. I was fortunate enough to be on the coast at Sandwich for the Open for 2 days last week, the first day I had to buy a jumper (obviously finding colour, size and style was a mission in itself) to go under my winter raincoat it was so cold (thank god for tented shopping villages.) The day after however was baking and glorious but that seems to have been the last (and only) decent July day!
Anyway, moan over. As you can tell not much animal or land movement to be had thanks to the weather. DH has a new toy however to arrive shortly - an industrial brushcutter complete with 'cow horn' handles, harness, visor and ear defenders! He must have a photograph of himself put in his London office and ask people to 'name the caption!' A 1.5 hour train journey to separate City from country in a big way! It means duck land can get a good short, back and sides. Have been putting my duck man off to be honest as time has elapsed and I'm only just getting ready for them. Makes me appreciate the small flexibility I keep. For a lot of farmers and smallholders this simply isn't an option. Again, my city selfish upbringing pushes it's way through the country way of life to suit me. Of course, I am now experienced enough to await natures revenge for this!
I was asked a pretty straight forward question last week as to whether the land could turn an income. The straight forward answer is of course yes. Had it been extended to whether I could turn an income off the land well I don't know. I still have huge short fallings in confidence in my country abilities. Given the fact it's been left pretty much to me to manage (Monday to Friday certainly) I've not created a grand plan - yet. The question has prompted me to think more deeply about the answer than I imagine was intended. Along with lilac boots and remembering to take my aviators off when handling livestock, perhaps a mature level of thought is needed at this time, part way through summer in preparation for the autumn... plenty to ponder upon methinks...
Weather: Dreary, foul, windy and wet. One hope's it will improve for Saturday's Ascot picnic. Forget the new Moet to be drunk with ice, they needed a 'winter' Moet! Certainly winter Pimms is still called for.
Anyway, moan over. As you can tell not much animal or land movement to be had thanks to the weather. DH has a new toy however to arrive shortly - an industrial brushcutter complete with 'cow horn' handles, harness, visor and ear defenders! He must have a photograph of himself put in his London office and ask people to 'name the caption!' A 1.5 hour train journey to separate City from country in a big way! It means duck land can get a good short, back and sides. Have been putting my duck man off to be honest as time has elapsed and I'm only just getting ready for them. Makes me appreciate the small flexibility I keep. For a lot of farmers and smallholders this simply isn't an option. Again, my city selfish upbringing pushes it's way through the country way of life to suit me. Of course, I am now experienced enough to await natures revenge for this!
I was asked a pretty straight forward question last week as to whether the land could turn an income. The straight forward answer is of course yes. Had it been extended to whether I could turn an income off the land well I don't know. I still have huge short fallings in confidence in my country abilities. Given the fact it's been left pretty much to me to manage (Monday to Friday certainly) I've not created a grand plan - yet. The question has prompted me to think more deeply about the answer than I imagine was intended. Along with lilac boots and remembering to take my aviators off when handling livestock, perhaps a mature level of thought is needed at this time, part way through summer in preparation for the autumn... plenty to ponder upon methinks...
Weather: Dreary, foul, windy and wet. One hope's it will improve for Saturday's Ascot picnic. Forget the new Moet to be drunk with ice, they needed a 'winter' Moet! Certainly winter Pimms is still called for.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Back to it...
Well am back online and back from a brief break to Spain away from it all. Have to say, on return I really noticed how big my lambs are! Not so much lambs as sheep thesedays. I also noticed just how much sheep poo is on their fields. I mean, how do other Flock Managers (see the use of the modern term for Shepherd there?) control these levels? It's getting pretty gross and a tractor will soon be needed or something along those lines to tidy my paddocks up! Vile animals! Also very bolshy with the old sheep nuts too sending DD flying yesterday they were. What naughty sheep I am raising! Maybe they took offence at our new Hunters we were sporting, yes we finally chose lilac over pink. Wow, that's some maturity step and another step closer to becoming 'countrified' How very sensible, well sort of, in a bright-matching-lilac-girly boots sort of way!
I also rather sadly observed that the butterflies I commented on previously all seem to have vanished without any spotting of the Peacock, Painted Lady or even a Red Admiral. Most worrying and puzzling given that the 'great British butterfly survey' is on 16th July - won't be any left by then at this rate! They are so susceptible to 'out of season' weather and extreme changes at the key weeks of the summer. It is through butterflies I am slowly (as I'm that sort of girl!) starting to understand the effects of climate change. Not in a big tree hugging - Swampy - save the world kind of way (to be honest I'm still a bit scousely dubious about all those claims) but in a 'in my back garden' type of way.
However, what there are plenty of is rabbits - blinking rabbits everywhere, eating everything, digging holes all over! DH needs a gun for his looming birthday methinks! Bare grass, eaten plants, daresn't plant a rose other than in a pot, awful things! Horsley is no use whatsoever, though every evening he sits in front of the french doors drooling and whining at the invasion in our garden, he couldn't catch a cold. In fact, right now he is sporting a bright yellow bandage on his near hind having caught it on some flint and ripped part of the pad off his paw! Cue Monday trip to the vets and £60 lighter...
Lots of prep work to do in duck land. A full mow, strim, pruning of the Hawthorns, resetting of the wire, relocating of the housing area and building of a partially roofed area for them needed imminently. Now where is DH when I need him....? Still, I've got the internet to at least order the necessaries for him - he's needed a new challenge since golf has all but conquered him (well his shoulder anyway) I know, it'll be a birthday present for him, aren't I a kind and thoughtful wife...?!
Weather: Windy and grey 18 degrees. You know, it used to be June that was known to be the disappointing month. I think it's more like July that's poor thesedays.
I also rather sadly observed that the butterflies I commented on previously all seem to have vanished without any spotting of the Peacock, Painted Lady or even a Red Admiral. Most worrying and puzzling given that the 'great British butterfly survey' is on 16th July - won't be any left by then at this rate! They are so susceptible to 'out of season' weather and extreme changes at the key weeks of the summer. It is through butterflies I am slowly (as I'm that sort of girl!) starting to understand the effects of climate change. Not in a big tree hugging - Swampy - save the world kind of way (to be honest I'm still a bit scousely dubious about all those claims) but in a 'in my back garden' type of way.
However, what there are plenty of is rabbits - blinking rabbits everywhere, eating everything, digging holes all over! DH needs a gun for his looming birthday methinks! Bare grass, eaten plants, daresn't plant a rose other than in a pot, awful things! Horsley is no use whatsoever, though every evening he sits in front of the french doors drooling and whining at the invasion in our garden, he couldn't catch a cold. In fact, right now he is sporting a bright yellow bandage on his near hind having caught it on some flint and ripped part of the pad off his paw! Cue Monday trip to the vets and £60 lighter...
Lots of prep work to do in duck land. A full mow, strim, pruning of the Hawthorns, resetting of the wire, relocating of the housing area and building of a partially roofed area for them needed imminently. Now where is DH when I need him....? Still, I've got the internet to at least order the necessaries for him - he's needed a new challenge since golf has all but conquered him (well his shoulder anyway) I know, it'll be a birthday present for him, aren't I a kind and thoughtful wife...?!
Weather: Windy and grey 18 degrees. You know, it used to be June that was known to be the disappointing month. I think it's more like July that's poor thesedays.
Friday, 1 July 2011
...just to let you know there will be no updates until the following weekend to this one. Got a bit of work getting done to the house here!
Be back in touch soon!
Weather: Glorious!
Be back in touch soon!
Weather: Glorious!
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