Scouse in the South

Scouse in the South

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Back to it...

Well am back online and back from a brief break to Spain away from it all. Have to say, on return I really noticed how big my lambs are! Not so much lambs as sheep thesedays. I also noticed just how much sheep poo is on their fields. I mean, how do other Flock Managers (see the use of the modern term for Shepherd there?) control these levels? It's getting pretty gross and a tractor will soon be needed or something along those lines to tidy my paddocks up! Vile animals! Also very bolshy with the old sheep nuts too sending DD flying yesterday they were. What naughty sheep I am raising! Maybe they took offence at our new Hunters we were sporting, yes we finally chose lilac over pink. Wow, that's some maturity step and another step closer to becoming 'countrified' How very sensible, well sort of, in a bright-matching-lilac-girly boots sort of way!

I also rather sadly observed that the butterflies I commented on previously all seem to have vanished without any spotting of the Peacock, Painted Lady or even a Red Admiral. Most worrying and puzzling given that the 'great British butterfly survey' is on 16th July - won't be any left by then at this rate! They are so susceptible to 'out of season' weather and extreme changes at the key weeks of the summer. It is through butterflies I am slowly (as I'm that sort of girl!) starting to understand the effects of climate change. Not in a big tree hugging - Swampy - save the world kind of way (to be honest I'm still a bit scousely dubious about all those claims) but in a 'in my back garden' type of way. 

However, what there are plenty of is rabbits - blinking rabbits everywhere, eating everything, digging holes all over! DH needs a gun for his looming birthday methinks! Bare grass, eaten plants, daresn't plant a rose other than in a pot, awful things! Horsley is no use whatsoever, though every evening he sits in front of the french doors drooling and whining at the invasion in our garden, he couldn't catch a cold. In fact, right now he is sporting a bright yellow bandage on his near hind having caught it on some flint and ripped part of the pad off his paw! Cue Monday trip to the vets and £60 lighter...

Lots of prep work to do in duck land. A full mow, strim, pruning of the Hawthorns, resetting of the wire, relocating of the housing area and building of a partially roofed area for them needed imminently. Now where is DH when I need him....? Still, I've got the internet to at least order the necessaries for him - he's needed a new challenge since golf has all but conquered him (well his shoulder anyway) I know, it'll be a birthday present for him, aren't I a kind and thoughtful wife...?!


Weather: Windy and grey 18 degrees. You know, it used to be June that was known to be the disappointing month. I think it's more like July that's poor thesedays.

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