I found this quote the other day and was amused by it greatly. DH's Blackberry became like the '3rd woman' in our relationship at times and now we find ourselves hating the Apple brand yet owning more blinking Apple products than Granny Smith has apples.... So, it was while sat in the study, once again, getting frustrated with iTunes (seriously am I getting old or is it just not user friendly for the non geek?) that I thought sod it, life's too short so I headed off to check the apples and toss the windfalls to the chicks. Then DD and I took a trug and picked some blackberries. It set me thinking (I know - must have been the sushi I had for lunch) that I must share my favourite apple and blackberry pie recipe as we are at that time of year. Now don't get me wrong, I love a bit of Ramsey and Blanc (it's the bad boy and French, older men...all the time) but when it comes to baking you can stick Mary Berry in your 'Great British Nod Off' kitchen and lock her in as we all know Delia rules! 'Where arrrrree ya?' (non footballing fraternity can YouTube 'Delia Norwich Rant' for amusement here.
It's Friday, it's the weekend, the weather is going to be, umm. ok (possibly.) It's the last weekend before the great return to school. The kids are fed up, bored and let's face it, most of us parents are now skint with shares in Clarks and Teflon coated clothing having risen significantly. So. Don't give in to the 'just-give-them-the-iPad', get out in the hedgerows. Yes. Really! Now I know DH planted me my own thornless blackberries after one year too many of complaints of prickles in my paws and stains on the french manicure BUT I have picked wild blackberries every year since I've been here. It's worth it and I can say, honestly, they are definitely sweeter than any other year I've known. They freeze and are gloriously free. If you're really lucky and on the ball you'll find some damsons (damson gin) and sloes (gin again) to make. Look it up first though so you don't go picking deadly nightshade! :-) You see how helpful I can be?
So the recipe is on this link http://www.deliaonline.com/recipes/galleries/blackberry-fare/apple-and-blackberry-pie.html Stuff the making pastry bit - that's why god invented Jus-Rol. It couldn't be easier. I mean, come on, how long do you think I can spend in the kitchen? I'm the woman who buys cookery books whose spine has colours that match and tone the kitchen. Mind you, I can buff my bling a bit too and tell you I make jams - Delia again. Can't share her recipe as it's in my vintage 'How To Cook' book of hers and doesn't seem to be online but if any lovely readers have found a good online recipe pop the link in comments.
Enjoy - the weekends here! Oh 4 more 'top' tips:
1. Pick blackberries from the waist up (if you have male dogs you'll know this)
2. Smaller blackberries are excellent in a Pimms
3. Lemon juice is great for getting the stains off your hands - and save the manicure for afterwards.
4. It's quality time with little ones. No TV's, PC's, phones or otherwise. Be the adult. Start the conversation and just 'talk.' Not even Blackberry or Apple can charge you for that!
Travelling on a long journey from Choo's to Hunters with DH (who's bright idea it was to buy some land) 'The Boss' aka our daughter aged 6 (and 3/4) Currently starring 2 black labs (Horsley & Blaze), 6 Ewes, lambs galore, 5 hens, and 2 fish. Not to mention the abundance of wildlife. All on 5 acres in East Sussex...
Scouse in the South

Friday, 30 August 2013
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Pasta, Prosecco and Pollo...
...6 of them to be precise.
We returned home from an idyllic break in the Italian Lake District to find Floss successfully hatched 6 out 7 eggs! Hers and ours first experience! See pic on blog site. So far she is proving to be a great Mum, enthusiastically encouraging her youths to dig the lawn to shreds in the eternal hunt for ants and suchlike. DH has done a sterling job converting the old duck house into a brooding house now so Floss has been upgraded from hanging basket in a bakers tray to 2 roomed mansion with ramp and therefore 'garden view.' They are terribly cute and real time wasters but I'm acutely aware I have a 50-60% chance of cockerel in each one. Time will tell - I'm no expert so reading up on Wiki about vent sexing and suchlike was lost on me and quite frankly left me a little squeamish at the thought of getting up close and personal with a chickens anus - really, it's not what Mother Nature intended is it?
In all other matters smallholding it's pretty low key at the minute. We've had some deluges which I hope will help the fields turn the corner - need it to be the case as it'll be hay storing time very soon, a depressing thought as it means tans, Tiffanys and F-types fade away in my minds and paleness, jumpers and 'why didn't we get a woodburner fitted?' thoughts return, yet again. Still, it does at least mean these mites will do one for a bit. We took a bank holiday walk over to the pub in Barcombe and it was noticable how our farmer friends fields have survived a summer of camping, cows and sheep much better than ours have. Ok, so his fields literally are the Barcombe flood plains for most of winter BUT, he has luxurious green - yes green, grass. It leaves me with an uneasy mind about it all especially with our currently unpredictable seasons but we'll see.
The sheep are suffering the flies and I'm in 2 minds whether to fly strike prevent again or take a chance...it's pretty expensive to do as a smallholder but greater expense to be caught. I guess prevention is always better than cure so that might have to be my weekend job. As will prove, this will mean it will rain at the weekend as I need dry weather to do it! The flying ants had their annual display last week too - just on the day I'd hired the 'Rug Doctor' to clean the carpets. 3 hours busting a gut and chipping a nail cleaning them, 5 hours of dealing with 2 sulking labs who were banished to the garden then 6 hours of having wet carpets as despite the heat and humidity of the day, around a million flying ants descended on the patio. Grrrr! Maybe I need a pet aardvark?
If anyone hasn't done so I'd recommend you have a crack at www.bigbutterflycount.org Wherever you live, it's easy to do and absolutely invaluable to the future. In the 5/6 years I've lived here the change in butterfly populations has fluctuated and been dramatic from the invasion of Painted Ladys 2 years ago to the dirth of all creatures fluttery last summer. This year has been fairly average with the noticable absences and rare sightings of the once common Marbled White, the Comma and few Admirals and Peacocks. No Painted Lady's this year spotted here.
Ok, heading off now - investing in a weatherproof feeder for the Chickens and a chick feeder too - wow, such heady spontaneous purchases eh?! Still, playing out in the City tomorrow night seeing a show so last swansong of the tan perhaps. Better get the peeptoe Choos out then hadn't I?
Weather: Sunny, 23 degrees, very nice indeed. Downs beautiful as always - missing the snow capped Alps however!
We returned home from an idyllic break in the Italian Lake District to find Floss successfully hatched 6 out 7 eggs! Hers and ours first experience! See pic on blog site. So far she is proving to be a great Mum, enthusiastically encouraging her youths to dig the lawn to shreds in the eternal hunt for ants and suchlike. DH has done a sterling job converting the old duck house into a brooding house now so Floss has been upgraded from hanging basket in a bakers tray to 2 roomed mansion with ramp and therefore 'garden view.' They are terribly cute and real time wasters but I'm acutely aware I have a 50-60% chance of cockerel in each one. Time will tell - I'm no expert so reading up on Wiki about vent sexing and suchlike was lost on me and quite frankly left me a little squeamish at the thought of getting up close and personal with a chickens anus - really, it's not what Mother Nature intended is it?
In all other matters smallholding it's pretty low key at the minute. We've had some deluges which I hope will help the fields turn the corner - need it to be the case as it'll be hay storing time very soon, a depressing thought as it means tans, Tiffanys and F-types fade away in my minds and paleness, jumpers and 'why didn't we get a woodburner fitted?' thoughts return, yet again. Still, it does at least mean these mites will do one for a bit. We took a bank holiday walk over to the pub in Barcombe and it was noticable how our farmer friends fields have survived a summer of camping, cows and sheep much better than ours have. Ok, so his fields literally are the Barcombe flood plains for most of winter BUT, he has luxurious green - yes green, grass. It leaves me with an uneasy mind about it all especially with our currently unpredictable seasons but we'll see.
The sheep are suffering the flies and I'm in 2 minds whether to fly strike prevent again or take a chance...it's pretty expensive to do as a smallholder but greater expense to be caught. I guess prevention is always better than cure so that might have to be my weekend job. As will prove, this will mean it will rain at the weekend as I need dry weather to do it! The flying ants had their annual display last week too - just on the day I'd hired the 'Rug Doctor' to clean the carpets. 3 hours busting a gut and chipping a nail cleaning them, 5 hours of dealing with 2 sulking labs who were banished to the garden then 6 hours of having wet carpets as despite the heat and humidity of the day, around a million flying ants descended on the patio. Grrrr! Maybe I need a pet aardvark?
If anyone hasn't done so I'd recommend you have a crack at www.bigbutterflycount.org Wherever you live, it's easy to do and absolutely invaluable to the future. In the 5/6 years I've lived here the change in butterfly populations has fluctuated and been dramatic from the invasion of Painted Ladys 2 years ago to the dirth of all creatures fluttery last summer. This year has been fairly average with the noticable absences and rare sightings of the once common Marbled White, the Comma and few Admirals and Peacocks. No Painted Lady's this year spotted here.
Ok, heading off now - investing in a weatherproof feeder for the Chickens and a chick feeder too - wow, such heady spontaneous purchases eh?! Still, playing out in the City tomorrow night seeing a show so last swansong of the tan perhaps. Better get the peeptoe Choos out then hadn't I?
Weather: Sunny, 23 degrees, very nice indeed. Downs beautiful as always - missing the snow capped Alps however!
Monday, 12 August 2013
A Sting In The Tail
I thought I'd title this post in sort of honour to DD who managed to sit on a wasp at tennis camp the other week AND in true dramatic 6 year old fashion can STILL complain now of it! Still. The event heralded the next of our 'great plagues' and just as the apples begin to swell so the wasps have decided it's holiday time. This means 2 things - firstly the traps have to be dug out of the garage and hung up and secondly Horsley will still, try to lick them and be stung on various occasions on his nose resulting in allegro sneezing and licking of said nose.
The biggest concern of this past week has been managing the land. Huge cracks have appeared and a new gate we had erected is coming loose thanks to the arid conditions. Even the recent thunderstorms and deluges haven't touched the surfaces and not only is the condition a worry but the refusal of grass to grow is a real threat to our livestock. The thistles are seeding and need hacking out else the fields will just be overrun with them next year. As a self confessed semi-lizard and lover of all things bright, yellow and smiley from the sky I've never really enjoyed the wet - mostly as it dulls the complexion say nothing of the tan. But actually, guys, this is getting a bit serious - a bit like the never ending rain of winter and spring (and most of last summer for that matter) got a bit serious, so the land situation is becoming now. We have lush, grazing pasture that has been maintained from 1600's for this but it's not lush, green or anything other than straw like at the minute. So. Yep. St Tropez bottle as insurance for 'top up' I begin my rain dances... I apologise now to fellow lizards.
The conditions have also meant the red mites are mega this year for chicken keepers, the sheep are lying low to keep the flies away and I never got any highlights put in at my recent hair appointment as the sun has already turned them a tad 'Katie Price in July.' Looks like glossy brunette is heading back into my life then! DH's credit card sleeps a little easier... Going back to the red mite thing though - I learned through the accidental smallholder forum that these things can live ON ME. As if I don't already live in fear of going to the hairdressers and being told I have the big N.I.T.S (don't forget I work in a school) I swanned into Trevor Sorbie on Saturday expecting them to tell me I had red mite! Seriously, too many bugs about! Mind you, used to say that on an average Saturday girls night out in Liverpool...
So there's the weekly update. I've had so many lovely comments and tweets sent to me about the restyle of the blog, keep them coming! For those who have enquired about the new addition Blaze - he continues to settle in well. A little too well....now he can eat an egg whole (better than a hen I suppose) thus removing any evidence and managed to steal, eat then leave most of my treat - eat which was a wholemeal pastry med veg pasty. Cheers Blaze. We had Chester's ashes back this week also and scattered them in what is now 'Chester's Field' which we had a little oak plaque made up for him. Of course, as we made the sentimental gesture so the packed number 29 went past (nosy aren't yer?), Horsley ran off and DD fell off a pile of logs. Ah well, the choccie one would have known he was well and truly 'home' then!
Weather: Bit nippy - only 23 degrees and partly sunny today. No rain though despite the forecast for overnight stuff last night.
The biggest concern of this past week has been managing the land. Huge cracks have appeared and a new gate we had erected is coming loose thanks to the arid conditions. Even the recent thunderstorms and deluges haven't touched the surfaces and not only is the condition a worry but the refusal of grass to grow is a real threat to our livestock. The thistles are seeding and need hacking out else the fields will just be overrun with them next year. As a self confessed semi-lizard and lover of all things bright, yellow and smiley from the sky I've never really enjoyed the wet - mostly as it dulls the complexion say nothing of the tan. But actually, guys, this is getting a bit serious - a bit like the never ending rain of winter and spring (and most of last summer for that matter) got a bit serious, so the land situation is becoming now. We have lush, grazing pasture that has been maintained from 1600's for this but it's not lush, green or anything other than straw like at the minute. So. Yep. St Tropez bottle as insurance for 'top up' I begin my rain dances... I apologise now to fellow lizards.
The conditions have also meant the red mites are mega this year for chicken keepers, the sheep are lying low to keep the flies away and I never got any highlights put in at my recent hair appointment as the sun has already turned them a tad 'Katie Price in July.' Looks like glossy brunette is heading back into my life then! DH's credit card sleeps a little easier... Going back to the red mite thing though - I learned through the accidental smallholder forum that these things can live ON ME. As if I don't already live in fear of going to the hairdressers and being told I have the big N.I.T.S (don't forget I work in a school) I swanned into Trevor Sorbie on Saturday expecting them to tell me I had red mite! Seriously, too many bugs about! Mind you, used to say that on an average Saturday girls night out in Liverpool...
So there's the weekly update. I've had so many lovely comments and tweets sent to me about the restyle of the blog, keep them coming! For those who have enquired about the new addition Blaze - he continues to settle in well. A little too well....now he can eat an egg whole (better than a hen I suppose) thus removing any evidence and managed to steal, eat then leave most of my treat - eat which was a wholemeal pastry med veg pasty. Cheers Blaze. We had Chester's ashes back this week also and scattered them in what is now 'Chester's Field' which we had a little oak plaque made up for him. Of course, as we made the sentimental gesture so the packed number 29 went past (nosy aren't yer?), Horsley ran off and DD fell off a pile of logs. Ah well, the choccie one would have known he was well and truly 'home' then!
Weather: Bit nippy - only 23 degrees and partly sunny today. No rain though despite the forecast for overnight stuff last night.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Promises and Pie Crusts...
...are there to be broken. Or so Jonathan Swift once quoted. It's been a long time but whilst DD is 'busy' (being 6 means you have, 'like, so little time for like, really hanging around') and my sanity and patience are once again being tested by Mother Nature I thought I'd better bring this blog 'Stateside and dope' Ok, Will i Am I am not and it's more 'Sussex-side' but the blog has at least been redesigned and brought up date.
Where do I start? Probably the beginning is a good place. I'll synopsis it all and then if any of you want more info and detail you can comment or contact me. How's that? Blog this is. War and Peace it aint. Well...I've discovered orange is a fab colour for setting off the tan and that turquoise is a wearable colour now I'm in my 30's. The Dior Jelly Pen is lipgloss in a pen and talking of age, the use of an eye corrector has become necessary thanks to the 5:45am starts. Joules are the latest word in wellies (currently sporting the fox prints) and my love of 'the tank' aka the Volvo has subsided slightly due to the damn fine Jag F type. Oh a girl can dream...and have some Tiffany shades (thank you DH) to look good in it... Oh wait...this is the smallholding blog isn't it? The fashion and beauty blog comes when I look as good as Liz Hurley does at her age Ahem! That'll be never then (I can hear your sighs of relief btw.)
Well Horsley is still with us. A depressive during winter but full on OCD with rabbits over summer. He's lost a shed load of weight and is really fit and well at the mo given his leg condition. Our newest addition Blaze has contributed to that mind you. Nothing like a bit of competition! Glory Blaze is a part trained lab, 18 months old and (read carefully now) replaced the ill fated Chester. Chester we bought in Feb this year as a companion and successor for Horsley. Funny how life works out isn't it? Chester was diagnosed with Canine EPI and we had to have him put to sleep at 14 months old. Many a tale to tell and blog to write on our experiences of that one but maybe later hey?
Floss, Misty, Roxy and Penny have Jack for company thesedays but given his size and demands 'Jack The Lad' might have to find himself a new abode. However. Floss is currently broody (I discovered this when I was pecked off the nest box) and the chicks due mid August so watch this space... Our first (and her first) attempts at all this. Naturally, as regular readers will know, things rarely go to plan here and the day after we moved Floss into a brooder area we discovered a red mite problem (google it and enjoy the itching people) so have had double the work cleaning continuously 2 areas...
The sheep. Well, all long term Mums are with us. Hiltz, our sheep with needs, didn't acknowledge her lamb (McQueen naturally) and so we bottle fed him. Hiltz was a complete drama queen over labour and created another 'stupid city girl' moment in having to ask our local farmer for assistance convinced she was dying in front of us only to be told 'she's just being lazy drag her up.' Now, I was going to answer back thinking back to how I would have responded to that instruction after a long winded delivery but figured I'd just do as he suggested. I did and immediately felt the squelch of maggot soaked wool. Yep, new Mum, lamb rejected, caked in flystrike. Lovely. Oh and this happened in the mozzie infested area of the fields. Oh the glamour! All other Mums did brilliantly producing twins each, all unaided so we have 11 lambs - split evenly between ram and ewe. We have selected 3 for keeps to add to the breeding stock - Faye, Lily and Saturn (I know. DD was doing a Space topic though and she named the last set of twins Jupiter and Saturn. Better than Uranus mind....) They will add to Dolly & Dors (my 'double D's with udders to match), Minty, Rosemary and Bonnie. Hiltz will be retiring from active service and Ollie, my lovely Ollie was barren this year. I'm going to give her another year though as she'd make a wonderful Mum.
We have no pigs at the moment, leaving the land to recover. Many of you know we take our pork production seriously so we have reseeded the piggery to allow the new piglets fresh grass to churn over and eat. It's only fair... We haven't replaced the ducks either as quite frankly there's enough poo in my life with the present menagerie. In other wildlife news the annual swallows have returned but drama has lay there too. The first hatchlings fell out the nest and of the current 2nd lot, only 2 remain as 2 fell out the nest. My theory for this (and no, I'm not like that annoying all-knowing bloke off Springwatch) is it's been so dry and hot the nests have lacked moisture in their structures and so have crumbled away. The annual flying ant and grasshopper infestations have appeared and despite the dire winter and spring there are more butterflies around this year than last but not as many and not as varied as the year before that. The bats still house in our eves and one even decided to appear in the lounge last month entirely freaking me out to the point I spilt my prosecco down me.
Well it's not as efficient and perfectly maintained and organised as Adam and his farm (Countryfile - yep, I'm well in my 30's now aren't I?) but I couldn't imagine life without the land and it continues to bond the family together, provide us with new experiences and learning and give us reason to get up each morning and greet the day. Nature is cruel but magnificent and it continues to inspire me and provide with my inspiration for literary writing, thoughts and poetry. It's why I'm back. AND, I will wholeheartedly endeavour to stay back. It all went a bit Pete Tong when DH was kicked out the City last Nov and was driving me mad being around the house and land. But. As each new season appears so does opportunity and the Boden catalogue along with my needs in clothes and make up and so DH found his mojo again (my nagging is quite spectacular at times as was the 'to do' list), the family team move onwards again and DH is back doing his stuff in a big way. Me? Well, I'm going to give teaching a crack as clearly I don't have enough to fill my days. It'll be a long road to train and work but I decided the world of education needed an ex-private sector ethic in it and it's going to need a bit of scouse glamour too. Given it's current state of affairs I'm going to need the infamous scouse humour too!
Updates a plenty soon. Any thoughts or comments on the new look just tweet or get in touch!
Love to all x
Weather: Hot Hot Hot! Tan rating: teabag brown! 26 degrees, sunny, utterly delightful. Downs are clear and soul is lifted!
Where do I start? Probably the beginning is a good place. I'll synopsis it all and then if any of you want more info and detail you can comment or contact me. How's that? Blog this is. War and Peace it aint. Well...I've discovered orange is a fab colour for setting off the tan and that turquoise is a wearable colour now I'm in my 30's. The Dior Jelly Pen is lipgloss in a pen and talking of age, the use of an eye corrector has become necessary thanks to the 5:45am starts. Joules are the latest word in wellies (currently sporting the fox prints) and my love of 'the tank' aka the Volvo has subsided slightly due to the damn fine Jag F type. Oh a girl can dream...and have some Tiffany shades (thank you DH) to look good in it... Oh wait...this is the smallholding blog isn't it? The fashion and beauty blog comes when I look as good as Liz Hurley does at her age Ahem! That'll be never then (I can hear your sighs of relief btw.)
Well Horsley is still with us. A depressive during winter but full on OCD with rabbits over summer. He's lost a shed load of weight and is really fit and well at the mo given his leg condition. Our newest addition Blaze has contributed to that mind you. Nothing like a bit of competition! Glory Blaze is a part trained lab, 18 months old and (read carefully now) replaced the ill fated Chester. Chester we bought in Feb this year as a companion and successor for Horsley. Funny how life works out isn't it? Chester was diagnosed with Canine EPI and we had to have him put to sleep at 14 months old. Many a tale to tell and blog to write on our experiences of that one but maybe later hey?
Floss, Misty, Roxy and Penny have Jack for company thesedays but given his size and demands 'Jack The Lad' might have to find himself a new abode. However. Floss is currently broody (I discovered this when I was pecked off the nest box) and the chicks due mid August so watch this space... Our first (and her first) attempts at all this. Naturally, as regular readers will know, things rarely go to plan here and the day after we moved Floss into a brooder area we discovered a red mite problem (google it and enjoy the itching people) so have had double the work cleaning continuously 2 areas...
The sheep. Well, all long term Mums are with us. Hiltz, our sheep with needs, didn't acknowledge her lamb (McQueen naturally) and so we bottle fed him. Hiltz was a complete drama queen over labour and created another 'stupid city girl' moment in having to ask our local farmer for assistance convinced she was dying in front of us only to be told 'she's just being lazy drag her up.' Now, I was going to answer back thinking back to how I would have responded to that instruction after a long winded delivery but figured I'd just do as he suggested. I did and immediately felt the squelch of maggot soaked wool. Yep, new Mum, lamb rejected, caked in flystrike. Lovely. Oh and this happened in the mozzie infested area of the fields. Oh the glamour! All other Mums did brilliantly producing twins each, all unaided so we have 11 lambs - split evenly between ram and ewe. We have selected 3 for keeps to add to the breeding stock - Faye, Lily and Saturn (I know. DD was doing a Space topic though and she named the last set of twins Jupiter and Saturn. Better than Uranus mind....) They will add to Dolly & Dors (my 'double D's with udders to match), Minty, Rosemary and Bonnie. Hiltz will be retiring from active service and Ollie, my lovely Ollie was barren this year. I'm going to give her another year though as she'd make a wonderful Mum.
We have no pigs at the moment, leaving the land to recover. Many of you know we take our pork production seriously so we have reseeded the piggery to allow the new piglets fresh grass to churn over and eat. It's only fair... We haven't replaced the ducks either as quite frankly there's enough poo in my life with the present menagerie. In other wildlife news the annual swallows have returned but drama has lay there too. The first hatchlings fell out the nest and of the current 2nd lot, only 2 remain as 2 fell out the nest. My theory for this (and no, I'm not like that annoying all-knowing bloke off Springwatch) is it's been so dry and hot the nests have lacked moisture in their structures and so have crumbled away. The annual flying ant and grasshopper infestations have appeared and despite the dire winter and spring there are more butterflies around this year than last but not as many and not as varied as the year before that. The bats still house in our eves and one even decided to appear in the lounge last month entirely freaking me out to the point I spilt my prosecco down me.
Well it's not as efficient and perfectly maintained and organised as Adam and his farm (Countryfile - yep, I'm well in my 30's now aren't I?) but I couldn't imagine life without the land and it continues to bond the family together, provide us with new experiences and learning and give us reason to get up each morning and greet the day. Nature is cruel but magnificent and it continues to inspire me and provide with my inspiration for literary writing, thoughts and poetry. It's why I'm back. AND, I will wholeheartedly endeavour to stay back. It all went a bit Pete Tong when DH was kicked out the City last Nov and was driving me mad being around the house and land. But. As each new season appears so does opportunity and the Boden catalogue along with my needs in clothes and make up and so DH found his mojo again (my nagging is quite spectacular at times as was the 'to do' list), the family team move onwards again and DH is back doing his stuff in a big way. Me? Well, I'm going to give teaching a crack as clearly I don't have enough to fill my days. It'll be a long road to train and work but I decided the world of education needed an ex-private sector ethic in it and it's going to need a bit of scouse glamour too. Given it's current state of affairs I'm going to need the infamous scouse humour too!
Updates a plenty soon. Any thoughts or comments on the new look just tweet or get in touch!
Love to all x
Weather: Hot Hot Hot! Tan rating: teabag brown! 26 degrees, sunny, utterly delightful. Downs are clear and soul is lifted!
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