Scouse in the South

Scouse in the South

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Getting the control back...

So, the latest. Well, 2 remaining ducks in the house locked away from Mr and Mrs Fox (haven't even bored you all with that!) Every night for the past week, sure enough the chicken wire on my gate has been clawed back - hoping the electric fence stays strong! (well it was strong enough for my dopey lab who got electrocuted not once, but twice! Now, he won't even come into the same field!) So without ill ducks about the two KC's have been able to go in the house safely locked away.

Sheep are fine - I have to read up on chapter 45 of around 2 million of Defra rules to find out what I need to do to replace a lost ear tag... I've also got to tag my lambs this weekend (I can assure you this will amuse you.) It starts with me actually catching the damn sheep... Having wrestled this evening with Hiltz - the stupidest sheep alive I am not relishing the weekends job! As a none flock member she misses out on every fresh water and sheep nut time meaning I have to chase her, carry her (avoiding all wee and poo) and literally shove her nose in the troughs. Then, and only then does she realise 'yum.' Honestly she makes my other sheep look capable of sitting a degree. Still, with my orphans it is nice as they gambol down the field after you like a pet dog wanting a stroke and play with the actual dog! Ollie survived a broken leg at birth, Bonnie a mega mouth absess and Hiltz, well she's just Hiltz. They other thing I need to look into over the next few weeks is trimming their trotters...I am hopeful I can obtain the services of a sheep manicurist for this (maybe they could give them a wool wash and blow dry too)

Updates tomorrow and a bit more of an insight to surviving here each week whilst DH travels to London from crack of dawn till dusk each day...

Evening all

Weather: 8:40pm and the nicest part of the day! Hoping for a nice start to the weekend.

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